måndag 29 oktober 2007

Pappa Jesper

I helgen har jag minsann samlat vuxenpoäng. Eller kanske inte när jag tänker mer på det.

Anna hade blivit inbjuden med respektive till stallvisning och buffé på Jägersro i lördags. Eftersom jag räknar mig som en respektive fick jag följa med. På grund av en nederländsk halvt förvirrad dam blev vi försenade och missade således stallvisningen, men inte buffén. Jag ser det från den ljusa sidan - jag slapp lukta häst.

Gratis buffé à la 80-talet i form av lax, ägghalvor med majonnäs, rostbiff, köttbullar, prinskorvar och total avsaknad av allt vad grönsaker heter (förutom den lilla garnityr som skönjdes runt patén) är aldrig fel, och efter några vändor var vi mätta och belåtna.

Men sen skulle vi då alltså spela på trav. Jag och Anna som aldrig satt våra fötter på en travbana och inte ens tittat på de däringa talongerna som man ska fylla i var villrådiga, men hittade till slut en liten pamflett med snabbinstruktioner i hur man skulle uppföra sig och hur man skulle satsa på hästarna. Så, beväpnade med varsin tjuga gick vi fram till luckan och sa något i stil med "Plats, nummer tio, tjugo kronor". Det var visst alldeles rätt sagt, för vi fick ett kvitto och sen var det bara att heja på den där nummer tio. Den kom dåligt till och ingen utdelning blev det.

Fast vi kände att vi behövde spela en gång till innan vi åkte hem, så jag körde modigt på en "Plats, nummer 7, 40 kronor" och "Vinnare, nummer 1, 40 kronor". Och så gick loppet igång. Det var spännande vid spurten då nummer 1 gick från en fjärdeplats till en oerhörd jämn målgång tillsammans med nummer 2. Så pass jämn att det tog lite tid innan målfotot blivit tytt. Och minsann om inte jag gick och vann! 268 spänn fick jag tillbaka på de 40 jag satsat på den hästen. Grattis till mig!

Vi kände att vi hade gjort vårt på Jägersro för den dagen (och säkert för många dagar framöver) och körde upp mot Tågeröd där Annas syster Marie bor med sin sambo och tillika köttbonde Bengt och deras lilla bebisson Villner. Vi skulle vara barnvakt när Marie och Bengt skulle på Oktoberfest. Ojojoj... Vuxet så det bara förslår! Att passa barn som bara är 4 månader gammalt. Det innebär matning med mjölkersättning och blöjbyten och vakna mitt i natten och allt sånt. Men, vi klarade oss igenom denna svåra uppgift, men kapitulerade vid sextiden på morgonen då vi lämnade över pågen med varm hand till sina föräldrar så att vi kunde sova lite till. Lite privilegier får man ju ha när det inte är ens eget barn.

Söndagen spenderades lite i Tågeröd med en liten gångtur i skogen och sen hem till Malmö för lite lunch.

På kvällen besökte jag Emma och Esther för lite fika tillsammans med Emilia som jag inte träffat på hur länge som helst. Alltid lika kul att träffa dem. Alla tre. Extra roligt att träffa Esther som tyckte att jag skulle natta henne (eller Sitta stolen som hon benämner det). Fast jag var tvungen att gå därifrån vid niotiden. Då var jag för trött för att fortsätta vara social och körde hem och däckade i sängen så fort jag krypit under täcket.

Speak now, or forever hold your peace

I have now painstakenly composed my blog in English, and maybe I was just being naïve in thinking that my non-Swedish friends actually read it, but since I have had nothing but Swedish comments so far I will now go back to writing in Swedish. If you have any objections to this - speak now or forever hold your peace!

onsdag 24 oktober 2007

Discussion: Which spoon is better?

After reading Charlotte's blog regarding a date that ended with some amount of spooning I thought I'd bring up the topic of spooning for discussion.

Which spoon is better?

For definition purposes I have copied the following text from the Wikipedia entry on spooning:
Spooning is the act of two people lying on their sides, with one person's front to the other person's back, such that they fit together in a manner similar to spoons. The person who holds the other is often referred to as the "Big Spoon," while the participant who is held is the "Little Spoon".

måndag 22 oktober 2007

Old friends and warm water

I just had a great weekend. Anna came back and we had a nice dinner at Lemongrass and then a lazy evening and morning at home. On Saturday we were off to have a fika with Emma and Esther and ran in to Anders, Sara and Simon whom I haven't met in 6 months or so.

Then, we had dinner at my parents', and everything went perfect. And I came up with a great idea that will allow me to go skiing in Austria a couple of days without me having to take any days off work. And it won't be expensive. Perfect! Can't wait until February.

I made a reflection about life all of a sudden while brushing my teeth today. I have noticed it lots of times before, it's just that I never gave it much thought. We all have totally different ways of brushing our teeth. I bet you I do it different from you. But here's the thing - why do everybody use cold water to mosten their toothbrush and then to rinse with? Okay, not everyone - not me. Why is that? Is cold water better? It's definately more comfortable with a bit warmer water.

onsdag 17 oktober 2007

Is it possible to teach an old dog new tricks?

Apparently. My dad can now be found on Facebook. Okay, so he's only 64 years old. But listen to this - my grandma, who's now 85, has a computer. Sorry, let me correct that - she's on her third computer. She had a laptop prior to this one. And she had broadband before my parents did. She sends mails and she used to chat on ICQ. Now that's a hip grandma!

fredag 12 oktober 2007

It's official

It's now official. Yes, Anna is now my girlfriend. Who'd have thunk that I, Jesper, the eternally single, would go and hook up with someone? Not me. I had almost given up hope.

Anyways. I'm happy, she's happy, we're all happy. Well, actually, she'll be away for a week now, so I'm not that happy, but she'll come back on Friday again.

Tonight I'll celebrate by tasting beers with Snejs. Beer tasting is always fun!

torsdag 11 oktober 2007


I heard from reliable sources that someone would stop reading my blog if I didn't update it. And I don't want to lose my one and only blog reader.

Last Thursday Scandvision were off to a secret location. Not secret to me though, since I'm the world's bestest detective. Through methods unknown to most people and intelligence beyond the realm of possibility, I knew we were going to Athens. The original one - in Greece.

We started way too early with a glass of Ouzo and Greek music at Scandvision, took some taxis to Kastrup and off we went. To one of the oldest cities in the world. A city lined with smog and crazy drivers.

But it was a nice place. We saw old places, had Greek food and had a great time getting to know people we rarely talk to at the office.

And as usual - I took a million pictures. But I won't show any of them here. It would be way too boring for you, since it's mostly pictures of co-workers.

onsdag 3 oktober 2007

Is the curse broken?

Could it be that the curse set on me by the wicked witch a loooong time ago is finally broken? Have I found the right one? Am I not single anymore?

I had a wonderful dinner date with Anna on Monday evening after a totally crazy and stressful day at work. I won't kiss and tell. At least not in any public forum like my blog.

Today is a fun-packed day at work. Meetings between 8:30 and 17:00 (sorry Americans, but I won't use your lousy AM/PM system). Not even a break for lunch! Totally crap. But then I'll meet up with Anna again tonight.

And tomorrow morning at 6:30 everybody at Scandvision will leave for a conference at some secret destination. However, I have checked the departure times for all outbound flights from Kastrup and Sturup, and my extremely qualified guesses for destinations are either Rome or Athens. Cool. I've never been to any of those places.

Oh, and I'm so happy people are starting to comment my blog entries! It makes me feel like somebody's actually reading this. And it's extra cool that Charlotte's friend Mia reads it. She barely even know me. A huge welcome to you Mia and thanks for last Friday!

måndag 1 oktober 2007

I'm all beer'd out

I just had an amazing weekend packed with all sorts of fun stuff.

It all started on Friday (as is quite common when it comes to weekends). I had first class train tickets from Malmö to Linköping and I spent a couple of hours in a compartment with rich ladies with way too much perfume before arriving in Linköping. Petra was nice enough to lend me her bike and the guest room in her apartment in Tannefors.

I cycled all the way through Linköping to Ryd to visit Charlotte, who had just come from the States to surprise Magnus on his birthday party on Saturday. I had a great dinner with her and a whole bunch of her friends at Mia and Lars' place. Apart from me accidentally pouring a glass of red wine on my pants I had a really good time. Was great to meet Charlotte's friends that I have only seen pictures of and reading comments by in her blog.

On Saturday Arild, Jens and Oskar came to pick me up in Linköping. We managed to listen to the same song all the way from Linköping to Nacka (Jordbærman by Zorba & Mirakel). Hilarious!

Then, after emptying Peter's and Anna-Karin's freezer we headed off to the Beer & Whiskey festival. We tasted a lot of beers. My favourites were the ones by Left Hand Brewering Company and of couse there were really disgusting ones too. Oh, and at one point one of my friends (no names mentioned) poured out half a glass of beer on my shirt. So I smelt like a real drunk all evening.

In spite of alcohol being present on my clothing most of the weekend I had a couple of great days. I might even post a couple of pictures here soon.